Calculate Mortgage Payments on Commercial Real Estate Properties

Commercial Property Loan Calculator

This tool figures payments on a commercial property, offering payment amounts for P & I, Interest-Only and Balloon repayments — along with providing a monthly amortization schedule. This calculator automatically figures the balloon payment based on the entered loan amortization period. If you instead want to calculate for a known ending balloon payment, please use our balloon loan calculator.

Property & Downpayment Information Amount
Property Price ($):
Down Payment ($):
Owed on Property ($):
Annual Property Appreciation (%):
Commercial Loan Information Amount
Loan Origination Fees :
Add Application Fee to Loan?
Annual Interest Rate (%): (See Rates)
Amortization Term :
Balloon Payment Due :
Your Monthly Payments Amount
P & I payment:
Interest-Only payment:
Interest Payments Amount
Total interest paid until balloon payment due:
Average annual interest paid:
Balloon Loan Overview Amount
Loan amount:
Loan origination fee:
Balloon payment:
Initial Loan to Value Ratio:
Owner Equity Amount
Equity when balloon payment due:
Property value when balloon payment due:
LTV if refinanced when balloon due:
Create a Printable Amortization Schedule?
Loan date:

Current Mortgage Rates