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Consolidating Student Loans & Debt Payoff Savings

Consolidate Student Loans

This free & easy-to-use tool applies two simple principles to paying off high-interest debt.

  1. Consolidate existing student loans
  2. Use any extra cash every month to pay off higher interest debt sooner

We apply the amount of payment savings you choose to your non-student loan debt with the highest rate. When that balance is paid in full, the balance with the next highest rate will be paid down. This continues until you have rolled through all of your balances and your non-student loan debt is paid in full. Click the "View Report" button for a detailed look at the results.

By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values. Click the view report button to see all of your results.

Financial Calculators from

Financial Calculators ©1998-2024

You could save $3,984.23 on your non-student loan debt.
*indicates required.
Term of new loan:
15 years
New monthly payment:
Monthly savings:
Use credit card minimum for payments
Pay off highest rate cards first
Non-Student Loan Debt Balances Line Graph: Please use the calculator's report to see detailed calculation results in tabular form.
Total Interest for Non-Student Loan Debt Column Graph: Please use the calculator's report to see detailed calculation results in tabular form.


Total current student loan monthly payments

Total payments for all of your outstanding student loans. If the current payment total is less than the payment for your new consolidated loan, there will be no payment savings.

Student loan debt

The total amount you owe on all of your student loan debt.

Interest rate for new consolidated loan

The annual interest rate for your new consolidated student loan

Term of new loan

The term in years for your new consolidated student loan is calculated as: 30 Years for debt of $60,000 or more, 25 years for balances of $40,000 or more, 20 years for balances of $20,000 or more, 15 years for balances of $10,000 or more. Any balance under $10,000 has a term of 12 years.

New monthly student loan payment

This is your new calculated monthly payment for your consolidated student loans.

Monthly savings

This is the difference between your current student loan payments and your new consolidated loan payment. If the current payment total is less than the payment for your new consolidated loan, there will be no payment savings.

Additional payment

This dollar amount is in addition to your monthly minimum payments that you will use to pay down your non-student loan debt, such as credit card debt, auto loans and other loans. The higher this amount, the faster your debt will be paid off. The tool defaults this amount to be equal to your monthly payment savings from consolidation of your student loan debt. It is important that your additional payment is one that you can afford. For this reason, the tool allows you to adjust this amount higher or lower than your actual payment savings from consolidation. For this debt payoff strategy to be effective you must be consistent in your payments. Should you choose an amount that is too high, you may become discouraged if you are unable to meet your payment goal.

Pay off highest rate first

Leave this box checked to have the calculator pay off your balance with the highest rate first. You can uncheck this box to see the results of an alternate payment method. The alternate method pays off your balances starting with the lowest balance.

Use minimum payment

If you checked the "use credit card minimum payments" box, your monthly payment is calculated as 4% of your current outstanding balance. With the "use credit card minimum payments" box checked, your monthly payment will decrease as your balance is paid down. This can greatly increase the length of time it takes to pay off your credit cards. Uncheck this box to enter your own monthly payment that will remain the same until your balance is paid in full.

(The tool calculates your minimum monthly payment as 4% of your current outstanding balance. While your actual minimum monthly payment may be slightly different, this is one of the most common methods used by credit card companies to calculate minimum payments.)

Credit Card Balance

Your total current balance for this credit card.

Credit Card Interest rate

The annual percentage rate you pay for this credit card. The rate you enter is used to calculate the interest on all future credit card payments. The length of time to pay off this credit card may be much greater than calculated if you enter a low promotional interest rate that is only good for a short period of time.

Credit Card Payment

This is your initial monthly payment. If you checked the "use credit card minimum payments" box, your monthly payment is calculated as 4% of your current outstanding balance. With the "use credit card minimum payments" box checked, your monthly payment will decrease as your balance is paid down. This can greatly increase the length of time it takes to pay off your credit cards. Uncheck this box to enter your own monthly payment that will remain the same until your balance is paid in full.

(The tool calculates your minimum monthly payment as 4% of your current outstanding balance. While your actual minimum monthly payment may be slightly different, this is one of the most common methods used by credit card companies to calculate minimum payments.)

Loan balance

Your total current balances for an installment loan.

Loan interest rates

The annual percentage rate you pay for this loan. Enter the current interest rate for this loan. This calculator assumes your rate will remain the same for the entire repayment period. The tool uses this to calculate the interest you will pay on this loan and the number of payments that are remaining.

Loan payment

This is your monthly payment. Enter the actual monthly payment for your loan. The tool uses this to determine your payment totals and to calculate the remaining payments.

Remaining loan payments

This is the calculated number of payments remaining for this loan. It is based on your current balance, payment and interest rate.

The High Cost of Repaying Student Loans

Similar to graduating college, acquiring a hefty amount of student loans has become almost a rite of passage for many young Americans as education costs continue to soar. More and more college graduates are struggling as they try to figure out how to repay these loans. Since having a college degree has become more of necessity, it seems that this issue will continue to be a common plight for young professionals.

The current economy in the United States is reliant upon consumer driven spending. Individuals with higher amounts of school loans are often trapped in a monthly cycle of spending a large percentage of their income to pay these prices down, with little money left over for necessities like housing and food. They are unable to cover their payments in addition to other bills, and this issue has had an effect on other areas of their lives including whether to get married or have children. As a result, paying off education related loans as quickly as possible has become more important than ever.

Rising Education Costs

The price for a college education has risen steadily as state funding has decreased. Due to tuition hikes and rising costs for housing, books, meals, and other essentials, the student loan debt in America has accumulated to a staggering $1.3 trillion. The average bachelor degree educated individual carries a loan debt of $37,172 upon graduation. As the need to have a degree continues, so will costs.

Student Loan Statistics

The statistics for student loan debt are very grim. Over 70 percent of college students graduate with debt. Unfortunately, U.S. educational costs will only continue to rise. Here’s a closer look at these frightening debt statistics.

United States Loan Statistics Overview

  • Total Student Loan Debt: $1.3 Trillion
  • Total number of borrowers with debt:44.2 million
  • Deliquency/default rate: 11.2 percent
  • Increase in debt during 2016: $3.1 billion
  • Amount of money in new delinquent balances (more than 30 days late): $32.6 billion
  • Amount of money classified as seriously delinquent balances (more than 90 days late): $31 billion

Average Student Loan Amounts at Graduation in 2018 by State

State Average Student Loan Debt Rank % With Debt Rank
Alabama $29,469 23 51% 37
Alaska * * * *
Arizona * * * *
Arkansas $26,579 37 53% 35
California $22,585 46 49% 40
Colorado $24,888 40 52% 36
Connecticut $38,669 1 59% 17
Delaware $34,144 6 62% 13
District of Columbia $34,046 7 51% 37
Florida $24,428 42 44% 47
Georgia $28,824 27 57% 24
Hawaii $24,162 43 47% 44
Idaho $27,682 31 62% 13
Illinois $29,855 22 66% 4
Indiana $29,064 26 57% 24
Iowa $30,045 20 63% 10
Kansas $26,764 35 58% 20
Kentucky $28,435 29 64% 7
Louisiana $27,151 33 49% 40
Maine $32,676 8 61% 15
Maryland $29,178 25 55% 31
Massachusetts $31,882 12 57% 24
Michigan $32,158 10 59% 17
Minnesota $32,317 9 68% 3
Mississippi $30,117 19 58% 20
Missouri $29,224 24 58% 20
Montana $28,032 30 57% 24
Nebraska $26,422 38 55% 31
Nevada $22,600 45 51% 37
New Hampshire $36,776 3 76% 1
New Jersey $34,387 5 64% 7
New Mexico $21,858 47 49% 40
New York $31,127 15 59% 17
North Carolina $26,683 36 56% 29
North Dakota * * * *
Ohio $30,323 18 60% 16
Oklahoma $25,221 39 47% 44
Oregon $28,628 28 55% 31
Pennsylvania $37,061 2 65% 5
Rhode Island $36,036 4 63% 10
South Carolina $30,838 16 58% 20
South Dakota $31,895 11 72% 2
Tennessee $26,838 34 55% 31
Texas $27,293 32 56% 29
Utah $19,728 48 36% 48
Vermont $31,431 14 63% 10
Virginia $30,363 17 57% 24
Washington $23,524 44 48% 43
West Virginia $30,014 21 65% 5
Wisconsin $31,705 13 64% 7
Wyoming $24,474 41 46% 46

* = state averages not calculated due to usable data representing below 30% of bachelor's degree recipients

(via TICAS, 2019)

A Look at Student Loan Borrowers by Balance

What the previous numbers tell us, is the average amount of loans per student in each state. Even more harrowing, is the fact that there are many students with balances much higher upon graduation. Most student’s, approximately 12.4 million, fall into the category of carrying a loan balance of $10,000 to $25,000. More than 42 million student borrowers have accrued a loan balance of up to an amount of $100,000. Over 2 million student loan debt holders carry balances over the price of $100,000. Of those 2 million, over 400,000 owe amounts greater than $200,000.

The astronomical values owed by new graduates are not only hurting themselves but the American economy as well. Young professionals are struggling to pay these amounts and are unable to make big purchases like a home or a new vehicle. Many are left with no idea of how to chip away at these overwhelming balances. As educational costs continue to skyrocket there seems to be little hope that students will be able to stop acruing so much debt while in college.

Moving Forward and Out of Debt

Student Debt.

Being proactive in paying off student debt takes dedication. It's imperative to consider all options for repayment. After looking at the different options, making and sticking to a plan is paramount to gaining control of your financial situation. Since student loan debt is considered “good debt” according to many financial advisers since it helps to secure a better future, so as opposed to credit card debt or auto loans, you can choose a longer term repayment plan.

Loan Consolidation and Refinancing

Consolidating and refinancing the loans is an excellent way to tackle paying them off quicker. The main goal of refinancing your balances is to decrease the interest rates. This means that more of each payment goes towards paying down the principal loan amount, rather than the interest. By consolidating the loans, you can send just one monthly payment rather than several.

Choosing a Repayment Plan

If you fail to plan and choose a repayment plan, you will be placed into the standard ten-year plan. While this is fine for many people, your individual needs and ability to make payments may vary. By visiting, you can look at the different plans available. You can also apply for an income driven repayment plan, which takes your income and ability to make monthly payments into account. By choosing this option, you can often lower the amount due monthly, into a far more manageable payment. However, this will increase the amount of time you will spend paying the money back.

Income Based Repayment Plans

The Income Based Repayment plan, as mentioned above, is an easy and common way that borrowers can look into if they are experiencing financial hardship. Based on when you took the loans out originally, you can be enrolled in a plan that allows you to make payments for 20 or 25 years, at which point, the loans will be forgiven. In most cases, the loan payment will not go over 10 percent of your discretionary income.

(Revised) Pay as You Earn Repayment Plan

The Pay as You Earn Repayment Plan is similar in many ways to the income based repayment plan. You won’t be expected to pay over ten percent of your discretionary income, and the loan is forgiven in 20 years. The difference with this option is that loans that qualify go back to 2007. For loan borrowers with loans after 2015, this plan has been retooled and renamed the Revised Pay as You Earn Repayment Plan. In this case, an interest subsidy is included which assists you in covering up to 50 percent of the interest in situations where the new payments cannot keep up with the amount of interest accruing.

Income Contingent Repayment Plan

The Income Contingent Repayment Plan differs slightly from the income based repayment plan and the pay as you earn repayment plans. There is no income guideline for this plan, and any eligible person can take advantage of this plan. With this offer, the payments will be lesser than either 20 percent of your discretionary income or what you would normally pay with a plan with a fixed payment over the course of 12 years, adjusted for your particular income.

Making Higher Payments

If you find while budgeting your monthly finances that you can afford to make a larger payment than usual, you should. This extra money will go towards paying down the principal loan amount. This is helpful, but may not always be a realistic solution for those struggling to make even the minimum payment.

Circumstances in Which Student Loans Can Be Forgiven, Canceled or Discharged

Under normal circumstances, you must repay your loan debt no matter what. So, if you do not finish your degree or cannot find work, you’ll still be required to pay back the borrowed money. However, this is not always the case.

  • Individuals that gain employment in the public service sector, volunteer with organizations like the Peace Corps, or that work in certain industries such as health care or teaching may be eligible for loan forgiveness
  • You may be eligible for a discharge of loans if the school you are attending closes, thus preventing you from finishing your degree
  • Loans can be discharged in cases of total and permanent disability, death, unpaid refund, false certification by your school, and some other situations

The specifics of these conditions can be found here.

Filing Bankruptcy and the Effect on Loans

Thanks to federal laws and regulations, student loans are challenging to have discharged during a bankruptcy. The process will also have a severely negative impact upon your credit and can cost you a lot of money in legal fees. You will need to prove that repaying the loans would cause you undue hardship and that you are unable to repay them back. This means that you’ll be stuck proving in court that you would not be able to maintain a basic standard of living were you to repay the loans. Also, you will need to show that you will continue to experience financial hardship for most of your repayment period (20 years or so) and that you have in good faith attempted to repay your loans.

Defaulting on Student Loans

There comes a time in almost every person's life where they just cannot afford to pay all of their bills one month. Beyond just being late on loan payments, student loan default occurs when borrowers are financially unable to meet their debt obligations. As soon as one payment is late, the loan is considered delinquent. This is often the first red flag for both the borrower as well as the lender. Once the late payment reaches the 90-day mark, the delinquent status gets reported to the three main credit bureaus, and a negative mark is added to your credit report. If the loan is left unpaid for 270 days, it is considered to be in default. The debt then goes into to collections.

The Repercussions for Defaulting

The immediate ramifications of defaulting on your student loan include:

  • Losing any eligibility for being enrolled into a loan forgiveness plan
  • Your credit score will become lower
  • Once the account is sent to collections, you will be charged additional fees
  • The IRS can seize your tax refund and apply it towards your owed balance
  • Your paycheck could be garnished to recoup money towards the owed amount
  • The government could potentially sue you
  • You could receive much higher interest rates as a consequence of your credit score being lowered, a consequence that can haunt you for years and years to come

What to Do if Facing the Possibility of Default

The first important advice is not to panic. Even though it can be tempting to ignore the problem and hope it will go away, you need to face it head on and deal with it appropriately. Talk to the lender and ask if there are any repayment programs that will help you be able to make your payments. As mentioned previously, there are several plans to help borrowers that are struggling to make their payments.

If you have already defaulted on loans, the best course of action is taking action immediately. Speaking to the lender or the collection agency can help you to find a solution. You may be able to negotiate a repayment program based on your current salary, consolidate the loans, or even a federal loan rehabilitation program. The imperative thing is to be proactive and speak with the company to find a solution.

Debt is the New Slavery.

Student Loan Repayment Calculators

The use of a student loan calculator will aid you in determining on long it will take to finish paying off your student loan debt. You can enter in your loan balance and get an idea of what your monthly payments will be. You can also examine how making extra payments or refinancing your interest rate can affect your payments.

Student loan payment calculators also offer insight into the annual salary you will need to earn to manage payments without too much financial difficulty. Student loan calculators can be used to examine your budget for Federal education loans including Stafford, Perkins, and PLUS loans as well as most private student loans.

Most loan calculators process your loan information based on the assumption that the interest rate will remain static throughout the repayment period of your loan. The calculator also assumes that you will be making the same payment each month. Some educational loans have different interest rates, so it is imperative to know what your specific rate is as this can have a huge effect on your monthly payment.

In closing, student loan repayment is expensive, difficult, and usually overwhelming. By choosing an appropriate repayment plan and working hard at chipping away at the debt, while exploring other options like forgiveness, you can get back to a lower debt amount. Remember that these loans are considered a “good” type of loan debt, so a longer repayment period isn’t necessarily the worst thing for you and your credit. The best plan is to be aware of your financial situation and make a budget and course of action to eliminate your loan debt. It will take time and dedication, but it will be worth the effort.