Free Full Featured Mortgage Calculator

  Include a fully functional JavaScript mortgage calculator in your website today. You have two integration options.

  • Manual mode: You can select loan defaults to use across your site sitewide using the select boxes below. When you update your calculator we use jQuery to update the embed code for your calculator and show you what your calculator will look like on your website.
  • Using variables from your CMS: If you would like to use your CMS to drive the variables used in the mortgage calculator, then simply set the self-descriptive variables using the CMS settings.


  This calculator is one of the best mortgage calculators available online & it is available free.

  • It allows you to set values manually or dynamically
  • It does not carry any advertisments
  • It uses JavaScript for instant results
  • It leverages a responsive web design which looks great on desktop computers, tables & mobile devices.
  • It offers loan graphs and has an extensible loan amortization table.


Step 1: Set Your Defaults

Manually Set Calculator Defaults

Set Loan Scenarios Using Dynamic Variables

    Variables are described below.

  • homevalue: the selling price of the home
  • downpayment: the amount the buyer has saved & is willing to invest in the property upfront. The average downpayment is around 10%, though the benchmark is 20% to relax PMI requirements.
  • loanamount: typically the home value less the downpayment
  • interestrate: the annual percentage rate (APR) charged on the loan
  • loanterm: the amortization period of the loan in years - typically 30 for most US residential loans
  • propertytax: annual property tax payment
  • pmi: property mortgage insurance as a percent (typically between 0.5% and 1.3%, though unneeded if a 20% downpayment is used).
  • homeinsurance: annual cost of a homeowners insurance policy
  • monthlyhoa: monthly dues for being part of a homeowners association.
  • lang: set the country language and currency. For instance, &lang=en-GB would be English with Pounds as the currency, whereas &lang=de-DE would be German, using the Euro. (all of the other above variables are included in the below embed code, whereas you would have to manually add the &lang part to target additional markets like &lang=ja-JP )


Step 2: Copy Your Source Code

Copy the following source code and embed it in your website.



This is What Your Calculator Will Look Like

This calculator is designed for webmasters who want to have a stand alone page for their mortgage calculator or those who want to have a fairly large calculator embedded in pages throughout their websites. If you prefer to embed a smaller calculator widget we offer many options here.

If you have questions about integrating a calculator into your site or if you have feedback about our calculators please contact us.